

duminică, 30 septembrie 2012


O dulce preaiubită
Sfăntâ adormită
Tu visezi frumos
şi eu spăl pe jos

Şi eu fac curat
tu dormi la palat
tu stai la perete
şi eu spăl şosete

Tu zbori printre stele
faci belele
şi eu frec podele
cu modele

Tu sforăi duios
eu şterg praful, ambiţios 
Şi eu mătur scări
tu pluteşti pe mări

Eu calc la cămăşi
tu visezi gogoşi
 lăcuiesc pantofii
te joci cu bobocii

eu spăl la veselă
 tu esti o gazelă
aranjez la haine
şi tu stai de taine

Love 2

Max opened the door and Julie and Jack entered the house,Max went to attend the rest of the guest as Julie took Jack to introduce him to Marie.
Marie was sitting alone and lost in her world as she heard Julie calling her name, she turned her head to see that man again,that strange man that made her feel warm and really good.
"Hi Marie I want to introduce you to a friend of mine,his name is Jack and he is a great guy hope you to can get to know each other better"
Marie surprised but this looked with surprise at Julie,Julie turned around and left looking for Max
Jack started first
"It is a pleasure to meet you,I am sorry for my departure just now"
Marie was feeling really warm and she looked in his eyes only to see a great love
"Thank you sir but I am just a poor girl, I have nothing to offer you, no money no life with me"
"I am not looking for money or something else,just to know you"
"Sir you flatter me,but my family will never agree and my father will kill you if he finds out"
"My lady do not worry about me,I just want to be near you as a friend,a confident and maybe in time when you are ready to be more than this."
Marie blushed as this man had all the right words,he made her feel special,unique and wanted. It was the first time since ever when a man did not wanted to rape her,assault her and other despicable things, he only wanted to love her to cherish her.
"Thank you sir for your kind words but i still fear for your safety I will not want for you to get hurt"
"I will make sure that you will not loose my company swet lady"
"I am glad to hear this sir"
"I will always be here for you for anything you need,even if it is a shoulder to lean on."
"Sir thank you for your friendship I hope not to disappoint with my bad behaviour."
"You simply can not disappoint me as I already love you."


Tatuaje 8

sâmbătă, 29 septembrie 2012


O dulce preaiubita
sfanta anonima
cuvantul tau m-atinge
si inima imi misca

Iubesc adevarat 
pentru un moment in viata
eu te iubesc etern
O dulce frumusete.

Si sufletul imi arde 
de a ta dorinta
o clipa sa te vad 
Si sa dipar
In a lumi umbre
zaresc din neagra noapte
al tau chip ceresc 
si luminez in moarte.

The secret

Julie was smiling,Jack felt almost human, having a real conversation at a party with a girl. The world seemed so full of hope. Max saw Jack and approached the door when he saw Julie smiling,for a moment he thought Jack was stealing his girlfriend but then remembered that Jack is 250 years and Julie is just 20 years old.
      Max open the door just as Jack was telling her about his problem with blood,Max looked at them
"Hey what are you to talking about?"
"Jack was telling me about his condition about not being able to drink human blood."
"Very interesting and what else where you two talking about?"
"Max do not be jealous, Jack is in love with Marie."
Max amazed looked at Jack that in shame that his secret was so easy to tell he bowed his head
"Yes it is true, i love her more than my own life"
Max looked at him with love thinking "This man,saved my life and now he loves, it is an extraordinary night"
Then Max said "But how you just meet her"
Julie grabbed Max arm and sweetly said "For more than 225 years Jack has loved her and now he has a new change to make things right"
Max smiled that his friend after so much time of darkness and loneliness found a family
"We are here for you my friend,me and Julie with anything  you need"
"Thank you my friends and I am here for you to help you with your trouble whenever you need me"
Julie looked at Max hoping that he would tell her the secret but Max looked at Jack
"Thank you, thanks to you I can now have a normal life and put all of this behind me"
"What is this terrible secret,even Jack would not tell me,he said that only you can tell me"
"Thank you my friend for keeping my secret,I am sorry Julie I can not put you in danger, if you knew you would probably get hurt and I can not have that, I would first die then let anything happen to you"
Julie tried to protest but Jack looked with compassion in her eyes and Julie without words understood and let it go.
    But she would find this secret that her boyfriend was hiding from her,something so terrible, she would digg until the secret will reveals itself.
    "Thank you Julie, maybe on day when I will escape this thing I will tell you all"


tatuaje 7

vineri, 28 septembrie 2012


Dragostea pluteşte în aer în orice anotimp şi fiecare anotimp îşi are propria alura şi nuanţă cu care te ademeneşte în propria poveste de dragoste.
      Dar ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat este cealalta persoana,aceea persoana cu care sa imparti lacrimile,bucurile si mai ales saruturile. Atmosfera e intotdeauna gata pentru inca o poveste de amor.
     Anotimpurile au privit atat de multi indragostiti si povestile lor de dragoste,inceputul si sfarsitul lor. Dar ceea ce conteaza si ramane mereu in amintirea noastra este acel moment in care inima a prins curaj sa ne sarutam aleasa sau alesul pentru prima data,cand dragostea a ocupat primul loc peste toate celelalte.
     Primavara anotimp al reinvieri si infloriri dar mai ales a frumuseti care te uimeste in fiecare zi cu nuante de culori si te atrage sa te indragostesti si sa iubesti mai mult ca niciodata,printre ghiocei fruntasi,lalele rusinoase si trandafiri puri ti mana ei si totul merita,totul e posibil,viata are sens si nu iti mai doresti nimic decat aceea clipa alaturi de ea,un prim sarut, o prima atingere a sufletelor si o unire a inimilor in sacrul iubiri.
      Vara un anotimp al pasiuni, al iubiri patimase,al atingerilor senzuale pe care nici ploaia nu o poate stinge. Vara da foc dragostei si trimite indragostiti in extaz, la vise minunate la o nunta in august sau la o mireasa de iulie. Iubirea prea marita chiar si de zei care de sus privesc si ocrotesc acesti iubiti. Se privesc tandru si se saruta cu ardoare si foc cum focul pasiuni ii inlatuie in ceva etern.
      Toamna un anotimp al regasiri al schimbari al iubiri pierdute dar niciodata uitata,mereu tinuta in inima ce tanjeste dupa acel sarut, dupa primul dans in ploaie dupa prima atingere si mai ales dupa prima privire. Natura insusi ii acopera cu al ei covor de frunze si ii imbratiseaza cu dragoste, binecuvantand a lor uniune.
      Iarna anotimp al puritati al asteptari al lacrimilor  si mai ales a bucuriei de zapada de fericire. Iarna ii desparte pe multi si multi cad prada deznadejdi si disperari,dar iarna intareste iubirea lor, pune la incercare a lor iubire pentru a creea o legatura mai puternica decat orice. Ea ii iubeste si ii protejeaza dar dragostea adevarata va invinge totul iar iarna va proteja a lor poveste nesfarsita de iubire.
     Fiecare anotimp ofera o alta poveste cu greutati si obstacole, dar in final a lor iubire e ceea ce invinge si a lor moment de singuratate cand ei doi imbratisati stau si se saruta cu dor.
    Iubim a lor poveste de iubire, a lor reusita si fericire de a se bucura unul de celalt in codrul drag,in natura mama si mai ales sub privirea anotimpurilor fara timp care mereu vor pastra in ale lor inimi aceste povesti de dragoste,ce intr-o clipa au sadit radacini mai adanci decat orice copac.

The talk 3

Julie looked at Jack with a sad look,he was doomed, even if the world ends he will never find peace or get to bee free.
    "So, sorry for asking but what did you do for 200 years?"
    "I was in hiding but I took part in the wars,because even as a vampire I had a duty for my country and my people,I know everybody is dead but to honour their memory i fought on,I saved lives but that was not enough"
    "So you knew Napoleon,Hitler and other great ruler's?"
    "I fought but I never sat to talk with people and even meet Hitler and Napoleon."
    "But you must have been a little curious to see this great men?"
    "You see I have a problem,when I was made something went wrong, because the first time I tried to feed on a human, the blood did not interact well with my nature, i can not drink human blood as if I try will make me sick,weak and almost kill me."
     She was almost laughing but stop in respect for this man, that in this moment he trusted her with this secret,a secret that used against him could kill him or make him suffer for a long time
     "A vampire with a drinking problem that is new, their are others like you?"
     "I do not know,but I think that the rest that had this problem where either killed or died of starvation"
     "Why?you may be different but why kill you for this is a good thing that you do not drink human blood"
     "Because vampires believe that the human blood is their right as creatures of the night given by their creator and we that w can not do this are abominations and are either destroyed or let loose alone in the world."
     "What a caveman way of thinking, so you wondered for 200 years and never interacted with another human being?"
    "Well they have their on way of thinking, but i was set free because my maker did not want to die, I hid because i was something scary and who would like to be friend with a vampire even a broken one?"
    "Nasty ways so how after 200 years you came from hiding and helped Max?"
    "After 250 years of loneliness i saw him there alone and scared and I knew he needed help and fate held a hand for the both of us, and know I have a friend,I found Marie and you are not scared anymore."


Tatuaje 6

joi, 27 septembrie 2012


Cu o dulce voce
uşor te-a fermecat
şi din a mele braţe
ea te-a luat

Să sufăr şi să plăng
sau să-mi plătiţi
cu sînge şi durere
pentru a mea rănire

Moralitatea-i lipsă
şi nici nu-mi pasă
de-a lor viaţă
de iubire plină

Distrugere s-arată
dezlegând a lor iubire
fericire stea străbună
numa ură să ramana

În a lor cenuşă
eu privesc atent
la ce a rămas
din a lor iubire

The talk 2

Jack was smiling he was having an conversation with another human without fear and running.
     Julie looked at this man with disbelief, a vampire with charm and manners, he is amazing, i almost feel honoured to be in is presence.
 Jack looked trough the window and saw Marie staying near the couch and his face turn sad and dark,Julie noticed and moved closer to see Marie to.
"So what is it with you and my friend do you know her from somewhere?"
"Yes,from a long, long ago when I first feel in love,she was amazing in her white gown"
"Wow I never knew Marie to wear a white gown,so it must have been in her better moments,since when do you know her?"
"For 225 years I have know her,I still remember the date 6 february 1787 when I first lay eyes on her"
"For 225 years but Marie was not even born then so you must have confused her with somebody you knew back there"
"No,is her,everything is the same,her eyes,her face even that look tells me is her"
"But how can your lost love be still alive,she is not a vampire,or anything supernatural, I think"
"She is a doppelganger, a lost soul,because of what happen that night,her soul still walks this earth to finish what started that night"
"Really you are talking about soulmate's about a woman that has been wondering in limbo just to get this new change to be with you?"
"No,you see soul's like you and Max and others after death if you find peace you move on but souls where their deaths is brutal,violent they stay in this world unable to find rest only to come back, again and again with the hopes on finishing their business."
"So Marie is here to finish something and then what and what about your soul?"
"When Marie finishes her business,when she dies her soul will finally move on,I do not have a soul,as vampire's are cursed to lose their soul when they are turned. Many creature's of the night are cursed and my cursed is to never see the light again"