

joi, 13 septembrie 2012

A change meeting 2

"Wow so how old are you?" "Let's just say is been a long time" "K,if you don't want to tell me." They sat on the bench on conversed until the wee hours of the morning,before the dawn Jack left but promised his friend to return. Jack reached his apartment and thought what a coincidence to meet another a werewolf. For his 240 year's of things seen, he meet witches, vampires and even a zombie but that meeting did not go well but this was something else, it was just a kid struck by misfortune, he did nothing wrong. He remembered how he became a vampire,how it was not a choice for him but a wimp for his creator,maybe it was better if he would had chosen death then,but now the sun seamed to shine in his heart again,to feel something for another cursed human. He laid down in his bed,just as the sun was trying to force his way trough the shades. He closed his eyes and for the first time in 200 year's he dreamed. Max returned home, a lonely house with a picket fence like everybody dreams but not Max he hated there,because after his mother died,his world collapse and everything went dark,that was one of the causes he became a werewolf in the rage and pain he felt,he run from home. After hours of running he stopped near a tree, the night was blooming and the moon was watching over the world,as a sound came from a far, wolf's howling, Max felt fear in his heart and for the first time since he run he begun t regret his decision but it was to late,the wolf had is sent and was coming to get him. He run scared to the city,he tripped just as the wolf passed over him,a giant wolf was staring at him with bloody fangs,his heart was beating, he was shaking like a leaf,the wolf was closing step by step,keep his eyes on Max like the main course and in a instant the wolf jumped, a screamed came from Max throat as the mouth of the wolf took a bite from him. Max was bleeding,scared and alone, he watched the moon and thought that he lost the most important person in his life and now was going to die here and simply disappear the wolf with his bloody mouth was watching him,growling. Max bowed his head as a sign to giving up to this monster,but the wolf was not interested in resignation so he hauled and run into the woods.

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