As the dark night descends over the city of Cedar a young boy enters the city searching for a hotel where a man has the answers to his quest. But in another city a men named Jimmy Hight former partner of Jeremy Brett was searching for clues at the Sammy Bruni crime scene. After the death of his partner his live was changed, he couldn’t sleep the only thing in his head was the body of his partner shoot in the head and still after so much time the only lead was a kid that asked about him at the precinct and was seen over the body. The bodies where gathering all around him reminding him about the killer and mocking him. But in his rage and hate he found a clue a card to a hotel in Cedar; he disengaged the safety of his weapon and headed to Cedar in his car leaving his colleagues wondering. As he was closing on Cedar the only thing he saw was the men responsible dying shoot by his gun.
In big building miles away from Cedar a man’s fate is changed as he his named the director of a task force to catch the killer of the horrible crimes, the man is amazed at this change in his life and heads to the offices to gather his team and begin the manhunt for a killer. As the team is assembled he heads to the Sammy Bruni crime scene to take the case from the police and start to know his prey a little better.
The boy walks to the hotel with a knife in his pocket ready to defend himself from any threat but as he closes to the hotel a men collapses to the ground shoot in the head in a room at the first floor, the assassin is ready to leave the room when he hears steps on the stairs the boy was heading steady to the room of the dead men. The assassin quickly hides in the bathroom and cracks the door to see who is coming, the boy presses the knob an enters the room only to see a body but this time the boy was ready and as fast as he can searches the victim and finds another clue to another city to a man named Ricky Sanders. He grabs the body and drags him to the window where he pushes the men outside, as the body falls to the ground the assassin takes his change and runs out the door but not fast enough and the kid sees him a man with a dark hood and dark jeans his face was covered with a black mask who ran from the kid and the boy without hesitation ran to catch a man that has killed so many men but not him it was like this men was keeping him in the dark to save his life or just to increase is pain and sufferance. They run one to hide the other to catch his past from behind and reclaim his name and destiny.
The assassin ran down the stairs on the back door glad that his mask protected his face from been seen by the boy but it wasn’t over as the kid was behind him running and screaming to stop, the assassin was prepared for a case in witch the enemy was prepared for him and had a weapon hidden in a tree. The assassin wasn’t allowed to kill anybody else except the target but this was an extreme situation. The assassin was near the tree grabbed the gun and pointed towards the kid but he couldn’t press the trigger because he was not allowed to hurt the kid, the kid saw the weapon and screamed to give him the answers to tell him who he is but the assassin realized that he could say anything.
Jimmy Hight was entering the city of Cedar and heading right to the hotel, he stopped the car got off and as he approached the hotel heard a scream behind the hotel and quickly ran there with his hand on the gun. In the dark night a men with a gun pointed at the kid who angry screams at the assassin for answers but behind the kid a men pulls his gun ready to shoot them both but the assassin points the gun and the men falls to the ground. The kid is shocked by the shoot and realized that he was not hit and then he turns around to see the body of Jimmy on the ground but realizing that he took his eyes of the assassin, as he searched for the assassin only to realize that again he had the answers and they disappeared right in front of him. The boy after this failure begun his search for Ricky Sanders another men that holds a clue to his past, and now he knew that somebody is there killing everybody who knew something about his past. The assassin used the moment the kid turn around to see the body to escape in the night like he never was there, but he realized that if the kid would have seen his face everything was over for him but fate chose another way for our assassin.
After the murder in the city of Cedar the Hunter was heading towards the morgue to check the body when he received the file. The dead men was an assassin that has killed more than 50 humans that they know about and maybe more, his trademark was to kill his victim right in the heart with a bullet handmade with a design on each bullet. The Hunter was assigned to catch him and after five years of failing to catch this guy he was demoted but know the man he hunted all over the world was dead and shoot in the head with a bullet handmade with a design on the bullet. The assassin hunted by the best for so long was now dead shoot by another assassin with the same bullet that he used to kill his targets.
He stands there near the body paralyzed in shock that somebody did justice killing the assassin after his struggle to catch him, but then he realized that in his years on the force he heard a story about a group of assassins that killed their victims every one of the in unique trademark ways but then he didn’t believed but now he was more and more sure that this band of assassins is real but why kill one of them?

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