In a dark room a man with a file in his hand with the photos of the crimes left behind by the boy searching his past searches for a trail to capture him. Three days ago he got a call from the director that he was needed for a case, as he arrived at the office he was quickly escorted to the meeting room where ten men dress in black around a table with the director standing in front of the table presenting his apologies, as the man entered the director was escorted out and the man was offered a sit in front of the table. One of the man dress in black said “The director has been cleared from the post of director and send to desk duty for failing in his tasks you are the next director and you’re first task is to catch the man that killed this people, you will get every thing you need if you fail us do not bother to report or come to work, do we understand each other?” The man without hesitation said “Yes I understand”. The men in black rose from the chairs and in a blink of an eye they disappeared. The man took the file and headed to the dark room a place where he could think clearly and sharp. As he opens the file the photo of Jeremy Brett shoot in the head is the first, but he doesn’t blink or feel something just rage that a human could kill a protector of the law in his own home, the next photo was Jack Smith a blacksmith in the town of Onus shoot in his own home in the head right like Brett, the next photo was of Sammy Bruni shoot in the head near his bar in the bushes like somebody moved him because blood was found in the house and the cops concluded that he was shoot in the house and moved there but no apparent reasons was found why a killer will move his victim after killing two others and leaving them where he killed them, and the last photo was that astonish our man because the way he died and who he was. After reading the file and the ballistics file he realized that all men where shoot by the same gun a Glock 19C with a suppressor and the bullets where 9mm and no connections was found between the victims, and he knew that this was not the end of it, it was just the beginning of a trail of bodies left behind by the kid seen in every city a men died, like an angel of death announcing another murder and his duty as the new director was to catch and stop this killing spree.
He was chosen by a group to catch somebody without identity or past or even an name that in his trail of finding the truth people die killed with a signature, he has every mean available to apprehend the one responsible for this.
After realizing that catching this person will very difficult because he didn’t had a profile like the others he caught, in his line of duty finding murderers, serial killers and assassins is what the job require and he is one of the best in finding those kind of people.
In his youth he was very clever always finding his colleagues of school at hide and seek, he prove to bee very resourceful at finding people and unlocking mysteries and because of his skill he was recruited to work for an organization that dealt in catching killers and helping the cops in stopping crime. He was send to a department that dealt in catching dangerous people, after two years he becomes the chef of the department and his record at catching people grows, until one case of a series of murders belief to be committed by the same guy because of the signature left behind, every body had been shot with a special bullet, hand made with a image of a dark shadow. He hunted this man all over the globe but every time he got really close to grab him the man just vanished. Soon this assassin was said to be a ghost because even the best could not bring him before justice, even the director pressured him to end this case. After five years of failing to catch this man, the director decided to demote him and never again to open this case. After his demotion he begun to drink and his life took a turn for the worse because of one man but after many years his fate changed in a special meeting he was promoted director of this organization and his mission to catch another killer. But this case begun in a strange way, after his promotion and receiving the file and the last photo was that send a wake up call to the man that for the last years his only friend was a bottle. His first step was to go to the morgue and see the body of the men found dead in Cedar after assembling his team which was made from his old colleague’s men that where always ready to follow him and do everything to help they’re friend and superior in bringing criminals to justice.

In the next morning as he was waking up and remembering his past years he could not believe that his life was finally taking the right path, he had his job back with a great promotion and a new case, as he drank his coffee and reflecting on his past he made a decision to give all that he has to catch this guy and get back on the saddle and prove that he didn’t lost his talent. He opens the door to his car and gives the key to the guard as he enters the building smiling, happy to be back to what he knows better and ready to go back on the field and track his target.
The Hunter was chosen and the chase was ready to begin as another pawn was set to the table. The game will begin when all the pieces are on the chessboard.
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