

duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

The begining.

Wanna hear a funny story. You wake up in the morning and thing you know the world, what if I told you that everything was a lie, that everything you know was just perception and nothing is real. Would you believe off course not, you trust in what you see. My story is about the real world,the truth behind the curtain and the choices that led me to that truth.
They say that you learn to cope with life and learn to atone for the sins of the past, but what if your sin, your past and future will come to hunt you and try to destroy the thing that you are,what will you do accept and move on or fight for something else. The answer is more that unknown is hidden and nobody want's to know the answer.
This is what we fear and try to live with what we have, forgetting that we need more that life can provide. This is all the idea of a madman or the revolution and a new way to see the world. Maybe some day somebody will realize the same thing or secret will end with me.

miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

Beautifull dead love

I was runing towards her home, mad at her because of had she has done.The door opened and the girl looked bored at me as I was angry heading towards her.I grabed her and and pusher her into the wall, she was looking at me with arogance and disgust and that made me more angry. I pull the knife from my pocket and pointed at her belly and with rage pushed the knife all the way. She looked dazzled at me and colapsed on the floor as I was still hanging on the bloody knife. She was dying and I stood there watching her leave me forever, i believed that if she hurt me so bad the only solution was her dead and my punishement.
I was in my prison happy that i finally did what needed be done. I am happy and await my dead.

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

live without darkness

We think about the ways life changes around us and never think about the most important thing in the world.Live without darkness is a way to thing about contrast and how it affects our vision about the world. Good exists only to defy evil and light exists to balances the darkness.In a world without darkness the balance disapears and chaos will take place.The world is balanced to bring equilibrium in a world fill with inbalance.We think about the future and don't realize what is happening. Life needs balance to adjust to the actions of the human kind.

vineri, 14 ianuarie 2011

Dark Monday

i feel the pain and darkness in my soul, i know i should do something but is Monday.A day of horror and disaster, to try and fight against it will be usseles.Don't try to wake up just sleep until Tuesday arrives and then you will be save from Monday.